
Bridgeport Rear Impact Accident Lawyer

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A Bridgeport rear impact accident lawyer can help if you have been injured. These accidents are relatively common but can lead to complex legal disputes. The attorneys at Bartlett Grippe can help you understand your recovery options and maximize your compensation. With more than 100 years of combined experience, our attorneys are confident we can provide the level of legal counsel you need after this type of accident.

Representing Victims of Rear Impact Accidents in Bridgeport, CT

The attorneys at Bartlett Grippe regularly help injured clients recover from all types of vehicle accidents in Bridgeport. We can assist you with building a strong case, gathering the evidence needed to firmly establish fault. Many drivers assume the rear driver is always to blame for a rear impact accident, and this is generally true. However, disputes regarding liability can arise in many ways.

You can rely on Bartlett Grippe to provide a wide range of valuable legal services after your accident, including:

Gathering evidence of liability. You must establish fault before you can recover compensation. If the at-fault driver contests liability, you can trust our team to help you resolve this issue.

Filing your auto insurance claim. Every driver in Bridgeport is required to have auto insurance. Our firm will help you file your claim and address any disputes from the defendant’s insurance carrier.

Building a personal injury case. You may need to prepare a civil suit to fully recover your damages. Success with your personal injury case requires clear proof of fault and proof of the full extent of your damages. You may be able to resolve this case through settlement or litigation.

Recovering maximum compensation. Our team knows how to secure the various types of damages you can claim from the defendant. Our goal is to help you maximize your recovery as efficiently as possible.

Providing compassionate wrongful death counsel. If your loved one died in a rear impact accident, we can provide wrongful death representation against the at-fault driver. This type of case seeks compensation for the family of the victim, and our team has extensive experience with these cases.

Our team has a strong record of successful cases in Bridgeport because we focus on the client’s needs in every case. You can trust us to guide you through each step of your recovery, so it’s important to contact our team as soon as possible after your accident so we can get started.

Proving Fault for a Rear Impact Accident in Bridgeport

You must prove fault for your accident before you can recover compensation. When another driver has hit you from behind, they are likely automatically at fault. However, there are some situations in which comparative fault could be alleged. You must prove the defendant was entirely responsible for your accident, otherwise you could face a diminished recovery.

Bartlett Grippe can gather evidence to support your case. Traffic camera footage, if available, vehicle computer data, and cell phone records could be valuable pieces of evidence for your case. We will also obtain statements from witnesses who saw the accident happen in real time.

Connecticut upholds a modified comparative fault rule. This means if you are found partially responsible for your accident, you can still recover compensation. However, you will lose a percentage to reflect your shared fault. If your fault exceeds the defendant’s, you cannot recover. If you have any concerns about comparative fault, speak with your attorney right away.

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Filing an Auto Insurance Claim

Dealing with an insurance company will be easier with an attorney’s help. Insurers generally look for any and all ways they can find to deny a claim or devalue it as much as possible. You should reach out to a Bridgeport rear impact accident lawyer before discussing your settlement with an insurance carrier. Your attorney will ensure you are treated fairly and receive a reasonable settlement offer.

Filing Your Personal Injury Case

If you must file a personal injury case against the driver who caused your accident, we will do everything we can to help you succeed. If you are able to prove fault for the accident, it is possible to recover various forms of compensation, including:

Medical treatment costs. The defendant is liable for the cost of the medical care you need. This includes future treatment costs if you suffered a catastrophic injury.

Lost income. If you are unable to work due to your injuries, the defendant is responsible for the wages you cannot earn during this time. You also have the right to claim lost earning capacity if they caused a permanent disability.

Pain and suffering. You can seek compensation for the physical pain and mental distress the defendant caused. Bartlett Grippe can help you maximize this aspect of your recovery.

When you hire an experienced Bridgeport rear impact accident lawyer to represent you, you may discover your case is worth much more than you initially expected. You have a short time to build and file your personal injury case, so it is important that you reach out to Bartlett Grippe for help at your first opportunity.

Understanding Wrongful Death Cases

If your loved one died in a rear impact accident, this can form the basis for a wrongful death suit. Success with this type of case hinges on your ability to prove the defendant directly caused your family member’s death.

Bartlett Grippe have years of experience handling wrongful death cases for clients in Bridgeport. Our team can help your family recover compensation for your mental anguish, lost financial support the victim can no longer provide, funeral and burial expenses, and more.

How Your Bridgeport Rear Impact Accident Lawyer Can Help

Bartlett Grippe approach every case with the goal of helping our client maximize their recovery. We know the various legal challenges you might encounter in the aftermath of your accident and how to help you overcome them.

You have a limited time to file your auto insurance claim after your accident. You also contend with a time limit if you must file a personal injury case. Whatever your situation requires, the team at Bartlett Grippe are ready to assist you. Contact us today and schedule your free consultation with an experienced Bridgeport rear impact accident lawyer you can trust.

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