Connecticut’s drowning accident attorney Frank Bartlett’s goal is to prevent the loss of children’s lives due to drowning by holding negligent parties accountable for these tragic losses. While no amount of money can replace a loved one, the legal system has provided a way to bring justice to you as a grieving family and to provide compensation for your loss.
We handle all drowning cases but focus mainly on those that involve the loss of a child. At Bartlett & Grippe, LLC, we donate a portion of our fees to support groups such as Hope After Loss and strongly encourage you to contact them or other support groups in your area. You are not alone during this difficult time. Our experienced Connecticut drowning accident lawyer is here to provide you with compassionate support and legal guidance during this challenging period.
A drowning accident due to negligence falls under the part of personal injury law called wrongful death. For over a decade Attorney Bartlett has focused on wrongful death cases. These are complicated cases and require extensive research, investigation and experience. For additional information about wrongful death cases please visit our wrongful death webpage by clicking here.
This depends on several things that an experienced attorney can help you determine. Usually, you have two years from the time of the drowning, but this may vary depending on the circumstances of the drowning and where the drowning occurred. It is critically important to contact an experienced attorney so that valuable, time-sensitive information that may affect the outcome of your case is not lost.
Typically it is the parent of the child that is the administrator of administratrix of the child’s estate that files the suit. We can help you determine if you have standing to file a claim and what steps have to be taken. Consultations are free and you are under no obligation.
As a nationally recognized drowning accident law firm, we accept referrals and get calls from across the country about drowning cases. We have found that negligence is often the cause for most drowning cases. We have brought cases where a child needlessly died because flotation devices and other lifesaving equipment were not available. Other cases stem from improper barriers around swimming pools, while others were caused by a failure to properly monitor and supervise a swimming facility. We will work with our experts to find the root cause of the drowning and to establish liability.
Sadly there are over 360,000 drownings a year worldwide with over twice as many being males as females. Drowning is the leading cause of death of our young children under five years old and the second leading cause under age fifteen.
Yes. In this electronic age distance is no longer an issue. If the drowning occurred outside of Connecticut we have an extensive network of the top drowning accident attorneys across the country that focus on this type of law.
Yes. We have filed numerous claims resulting from serious injuries, such as near drowning, boat accidents, and other water related injuries. Don’t feel you may not have a case. Let us help you decide. Call us today for a free consultation at 203-439-7717.
The maximum value of your case can only be calculated after many hours and days of work by our staff and network of experts. We can give you an estimate based on similar cases that we have handled for other clients but every case is different. Our job is to maximize your compensation.
The insurance company will try to pay you the least amount possible. That is their responsibility to their company. We have worked as attorneys for insurance companies and know how they try to minimize your payment. We now only work to help people injured, but the experience gained from working for these companies will help ensure that you receive the most possible for your loss.
This can only be determined after months of work on your case by an experienced attorney. We prepare every case as though it will go to trial with a goal towards providing our clients with the best possible settlement option. You will be presented with all settlement offers and will have the ultimate authority to settle your case or proceed to trial. Because we prepare every case for trial, we are ready to try cases that do not settle.
We are trial attorneys and we will be taking your drowning case to trial if that’s required. Many firms handle your case until trial and then have a trial firm such as Bartlett & Grippe bring the case to court. An attorney that has worked on your case from the beginning is far more familiar with the case details than someone that is handed the case before trial.