
Connecticut Priest Sexual Abuse Lawyer

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We represent those sexually abused as children by priests.

We have learned much over the years from our clients about the devastating long-term effects and far-reaching consequences of childhood sexual abuse by priests. We have seen how lives have been drastically changed due to the use of drugs and alcohol in an attempt to deal with abuse. We help you understand that this was not your fault and that you are not alone. Clients have expressed great relief by finally talking about their experiences, taking action, and having justice served. Our firm’s motto is “Giving Victims a Voice”. We often hear, why isn’t anyone doing anything? Bartlett & Grippe is doing something and you can too. We have successfully represented many children and adults sexually abused as children. We can help you, and you can help us make a difference. Our experienced priest sexual abuse lawyer at Bartlett & Grippe, LLC are parents and believe that a child is the most precious gift possible. Stealing your childhood by sex abuse can never be fully compensated. We will do our very best to help you get repaid for your losses, both physical and emotional.

1) Will my secret be made public?

One thing we repeatedly hear is the need for confidentiality. We understand this and do everything possible to keep your matters private. If we are required to represent you in court we will not use your name but will use an alias such as John Doe if that is what you want. We have found that almost all cases against priests are settled rather than go to trial. A November 2015 article in the Connecticut Law Tribune stated that over 95% of these cases settle before going to trial.

2) How much is my case worth?

The value of every case is different and the maximum value can only be determined by an experienced attorney. Many factors go into determining the value and these will be discussed in detail with you. While every case is different, and past results do not ensure future success, we are very proud that we have secured millions of dollars in settlements and awards for our sexually abused clients. Clients have told us that the closure this provides is more valuable than the money.

3) Do I need an attorney if I’m going to settle?

You don’t need an attorney to settle. You do need an attorney to reach the best settlement for you and your family. Countless hours of work and investigation go into every case. Each case at Bartlett & Grippe is handled as if it will eventually go to trial. This hard work and our reputation will help you receive the maximum value for your case. If Bartlett & Grippe accepts your case, you will not be shuffled off to an associate. Our sexual abuse lawyer will personally handle your case every step of the way.

4) Why isn’t more being done to stop pedophiles?

You taking legal action now truly can help not only you and your family but the many others that will be molested if the pedophile or sexual abuse by priests isn’t stopped. The movie Spotlight gives an excellent account of how an entire city, country, and world looked the other way concerning sexual abuse by priests. It is very common for those in power or someone that is known to the child to be the abuser. Stranger Danger is not the only thing to teach our young. Over 93% of those abused knew the abuser.

The movie shows the complexities of dealing with abusers that are respected in the community. For more information about the making of Spotlight go to https://www3.bostonglobe.com/arts/movies/spotlight-movie/?arc404=true

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5) Is it morally wrong to sue the Church for pedophilia?

It is just the opposite. It is not only your right but your responsibility to bring legal action against the church and the person that did these unspeakable things. Even Pope Francis, the leader of the Catholic Church strongly feels there is no other way out of this.

On May 13, 2018, the television program 60 Minutes aired an interview with Pope Francis. The interview was part of a new movie’s upcoming release, Pope Francis a Man of His Word. During that interview, the Pope was asked about pedophilia in the Church. His reaction was intense, moving, and extraordinary.

The Pope responded “Towards pedophilia, zero tolerance! And the church must punish such priests who have that problem, and bishops must remove from their priestly functions anyone with that disease, that tendency to pedophilia, and that includes to support the legal action by the parents before the civil courts. There is no other way out of this! Zero tolerance, because it’s a crime, no, worse! It’s leaving them alive, but destroyed.”

Think of the many others that you may keep from being molested.

6) How long do I have to file a suit?

It depends on the state you live in. The Connecticut Legislature has extended the statute of limitations on filing this type of suit to 30 years from when the child turns 18 years old, or age 48. Bartlett & Grippe represented a client that was awarded over three million dollars in a case where the sexual abuse occurred over forty years ago. Don’t think you may not have a case. Our attorneys can evaluate the facts and circumstances of your particular case to determine if you are still within the applicable statute of limitations.

7) Where are you located and can you help me if I’m in another state?

The Bartlett & Grippe personal injury law firm is located in Cheshire, Connecticut. We handle sexual abuse cases across the state in every town and have built a network of attorneys across the United States that we work with. Don’t settle for less, choose Bartlett & Grippe.

Connecticut – Catholic Churches Release Names of “credibly accused” pedophiles and some amounts paid to victims

Oct 2018 – Bridgeport Diocese

In October of 2018, the Roman Catholic Diocese of Bridgeport’s Bishop Frank J Caggiano said the diocese paid $52.5 million to settle 156 allegations of sexual abuse of children by priests since 1953.

The report shows that settlements ranged from $3,000 to $1,425,000. The average settlement was $337,000 and a majority of the cases filed involved 12 priests. There were multiple claims against each priest. The majority of the cases settled and only one case went to trial.

In March of 2019, the Bridgeport Diocese updated their list of credibly accused priests to include 10 additional priests, 8 of whom are deceased.

Every case is different and these past results may not be an indication of what you will receive. The best way to determine the value of your case is to speak with an experienced law firm that focuses on sexual abuse by priests.

Jan 2019 Hartford Archdiocese

The Hartford Archdiocese Released Names of 48 Accused Priests Dating Back to 1953

The Hartford Courant has provided additional information and photos of the priests here.

The New York Times found that of the 48 accused priests listed by the Hartford Archdiocese, five were from one church in the small shoreline town of Guilford. These disturbing revelations of widespread abuse within the Bridgeport and Hartford Archdiocese stem from a grand jury investigation by the Pennsylvania attorney general which outlined decades of cover-ups within the Catholic Church, including discouraging victims from reporting and trying to steer local authorities away.

As a result, Connecticut state senators are working to change a law that currently prevents those over 48 years old from pursuing legal action against their sexual abusers, including previously protected Roman Catholic priests. If enacted, the proposed amendment would eliminate this bar and allow victims of any age to pursue claims of childhood sexual abuse.

Here is a story in the New London Day

Feb 2019 Norwich Diocese Releases Names of 43 Priests Accused of Sexual Abuse.

Here is a list of the 43 names released by the Norwich Diocese.

Too little too late. Connecticut’s Catholic leaders have apologized, but the individuals who have been affected for life deserve justice for their pain and suffering and retribution for the financial, emotional and psychological trauma they endured. Victims should not be silenced by an arbitrary statute of limitations that prevents them from seeking justice.

Experience and Results

Bartlett & Grippe has the experience needed to help ensure you get the settlement you deserve. The firm’s motto is “Giving Victims a Voice”.

In 2011 Attorney Bartlett was named lead counsel in one of the representative cases in the Roe v. St. Francis Hospital consolidated cases, the largest consolidated group of sexual abuse cases involving a single perpetrator in Connecticut history. Over the past fourteen years, he has successfully represented many sexual abuse victims and has obtained multimillion-dollar verdicts and settlements for his clients.

We are a litigation firm which means we are trial lawyers. We prepare for every case as if it will eventually go to trial. Being prepared for trial usually results in the defense making you a better offer to accept or reject. Whether we go to court is ultimately your decision based on the many pros and cons, and options we will present to you based on our past experience.

If the case goes to trial we will have handled the case from the beginning and will know the facts.


These are sensitive matters that don’t have to be made public unless you want them to. Our discussions are kept private. We can petition the court to use a pseudonym such as John Doe to protect your identity when filing a lawsuit to hold the perpetrators of your abuse accountable.

What are the Numbers and are they True?

There are many statistics concerning the thousands of priests in the United States accused of sex abuse. There are reportedly over 44 priests accused of molestation or sex abuse in Connecticut alone. At Bartlett & Grippe our main concern is you, and how we can help make your life better. Again, the number we are concerned with is one. You.

Below are numbers reported by Frontline PBS provided by the Catholic Church in 2012.

Sexual Abuse

Other Resources

There are several organizations that are working towards an answer to this worldwide epidemic in the church.

Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests

CBS News May 2014The Vatican revealed how many priests were defrocked for sex abuse since 2004.

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