
Directions to Bartlett & Grippe, LLC

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Directions to Bartlett & Grippe, LLC

We have two office locations centrally located in Cheshire, Connecticut

Main Street Office

143 Main St.
Cheshire, Connecticut 06410



To get directions to this location, click “Directions” or “View larger map” on the map below (Google Maps will open in a new window).

Wallingford Road Office

36 Wallingford Rd.
Cheshire, Connecticut 06410


Handicapped parking is available next to our office. Additional parking is also available behind our offices via Elm St.

To get directions to this location, click “Directions” or “View larger map” on the map below (Google Maps will open in a new window).

Because of the Covid 19 pandemic we have upgraded our technology to better serve you and your family. We can now also meet with you via phone or video conference. You can securely transfer documents, and you can even sign documents electronically from the comfort of your home computer or a device such as an iPad or smart phone. We are here to serve your serious injury legal needs or help you with filing a claim concerning the death of a loved one.

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