Many people in the Hartford area regularly have positive and enjoyable experiences with dogs, but it is also possible for dogs to inflict severe injuries unexpectedly. If you or a family member recently suffered a dog bite or any other harm from an unprovoked animal attack, it is vital to know your rights when it comes to holding the dog owner responsible. A Hartford dog bite lawyer will be an invaluable asset in this situation.
The attorneys at Bartlett & Grippe have more than 100 combined years of experience representing personal injury victims in Hartford and surrounding areas of Connecticut. Our firm has the skills and resources necessary to provide responsive and effective legal counsel in the most challenging cases, and we are ready to help you navigate your dog bite case with confidence.
When you choose our firm to represent you, we will immediately start gathering the evidence you need to hold a dog owner accountable for the harm their pet has caused. We will also explain the Connecticut state laws that apply to this type of case and assist you with uncovering the various forms of compensation you are eligible to claim from the defendant. We will do everything we can to resolve your case quickly and obtain maximum compensation.
In Connecticut, there is a strict liability rule that applies to dog owners whose pets harm others. If you did not provoke the dog to attack and were legally present at the location where the attack occurred, the strict liability rule applies to your case and the dog’s owner will be fully responsible for the damages their pet inflicted. In the event the dog owner was negligent in the care of their dog, the owner could face additional penalties.
A dog attack may entail several serious physical injuries that can lead to long-term complications. Additionally, many victims of dog attacks not only suffer physical harm but also psychological distress in the aftermath of these experiences. They may have trouble being around dogs in the future and suffer various symptoms of psychological distress.
After a dog has bitten someone in Connecticut, it will be quarantined to ensure it does not carry diseases or pose a threat to public safety. It will typically be returned to the owner after this quarantine, but a judge could order it to be euthanized if it is determined that the dog is unreasonably dangerous.
It’s possible for the dog owner to attempt to assert comparative fault, claiming the victim provoked the attack in some way. If you encounter any such disputes, you will need an experienced Hartford dog bite lawyer’s help to gather proof of liability. Once you have established fault for the attack, your attorney will help you calculate your claimable damages.
The goal of a personal injury case is for the injured plaintiff to prove liability for the damages they suffered and to hold the defendant accountable for the harm they have caused. In Connecticut, a plaintiff can seek compensation for the medical expenses and lost income incurred from a dog attack.
Additionally, they may have grounds to claim compensation for necessary ongoing medical care and lost earning power after a severe injury. Dog attacks can not only result in injuries from biting, but also severe injuries from hitting the ground. Some victims suffer broken bones, traumatic brain injuries, and damage to internal organs that can lead to permanent medical complications.
The plaintiff also has the right to claim compensation for noneconomic damages. A Hartford dog bite lawyer can help them determine suitable pain and suffering compensation that reflects the severity of the physical pain and psychological trauma they have experienced from the attack. Generally, the severity of the plaintiff’s injuries will dictate how much pain and suffering compensation they will receive.
It is possible for a dog to inflict fatal injuries, and if this has happened to a loved one, it is natural to wonder how you can hold the dog owner accountable for your family member’s death. A wrongful death case can replace the personal injury suit the victim could have filed if they had survived, and an experienced attorney will be an invaluable asset for navigating this difficult type of case.
Bartlett & Grippe have extensive experience handling wrongful death cases for clients in Hartford and surrounding areas of Connecticut. We know you are likely to have many difficult questions in this situation and want to provide guidance and support you can trust. We will do everything we can to help your family recover compensation for funeral and burial expenses, lost financial support the deceased can no longer provide, and pain and suffering compensation.
Legal representation you can trust will be an invaluable asset for your dog bite case in Hartford. While Connecticut’s strict liability rule for dog bite cases may appear to be straightforward, the reality is that you could encounter many unexpected challenges that you will not know how to resolve on your own. You need a legal advocate you can trust to build a strong case on your behalf and guide you to the recovery you deserve.
The team at Bartlett & Grippe have the skills and experience necessary to provide comprehensive legal support in the most challenging personal injury cases. You have a time limit for filing a personal injury case in Hartford, so it is important that you consult an experienced attorney at your first opportunity.
If you are concerned about the cost of hiring legal counsel for your case, we will only charge our client a fee if and when we win their case. This policy aims to make legal counsel more accessible to those who need it most in the aftermath of damaging personal injuries.
The team at Bartlett & Grippe have successfully helped many past clients build personal injury cases after dog attacks and we are ready to apply this experience to your case. Contact us today and schedule a free consultation with an experienced Hartford dog bite lawyer you can trust.