
Hartford Rear Impact Accident Lawyer

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Car accidents can happen in many different ways, and rear impact accidents are some of the most common. Most drivers assume that the driver who hits another from behind is automatically at fault for this type of crash, but it is possible for these accidents to raise difficult questions of liability. If you or a loved one have been hurt in such an accident, it is important to speak with an experienced Hartford rear impact accident lawyer as soon as possible.

Representing Victims of Rear Impact Accidents in Hartford, CT

The attorneys at Bartlett & Grippe have years of experience helping injured drivers recover compensation for their car accidents throughout the Hartford area, and rear impact accidents are some of the most common cases we see. If you or a family member are struggling with painful injuries and economic damages in the aftermath of an accident someone else caused, we can help you prove fault and recover compensation for your damages.

It is imperative that you connect with legal counsel you can trust as soon as possible after your accident to have the greatest chance of recovering as fully as the law allows. As soon as you secure our representation, we will begin gathering evidence to support your case and uncovering all the various forms of compensation you may be able to recover from the defendant. Our goal for every client is maximum recovery in the shortest possible timeframe.

Establishing Liability for a Rear Impact Accident in Hartford

Every driver has a duty of care to leave adequate space in front of their vehicle, so they have time to slow down or stop to avoid a collision. Rear impact accidents can happen because of distracted driving, tailgating, speeding, or moving violations. They can also occur when drivers are reckless or operate their vehicles while intoxicated.

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The rear driver is usually at fault, but it is possible for the leading driver to bear some responsibility for this type of accident. For example, if the leading driver knew their brake lights were not working but failed to have them fixed, or if they stopped suddenly for no reason, they could be found partially at fault. These are just a few examples of how disputes over liability might arise in a rear impact accident case.

Filing Your Auto Insurance Claim After a Rear Impact Accident

Every driver in Connecticut is required to have auto insurance that meets minimum coverage requirements. When a driver causes an accident that injures another driver and/or causes property damage, their insurance can pay for these damages up to the coverage limits of the policy. This means that if you can prove another driver is responsible for your rear impact accident, you can file a claim to their insurance company seeking compensation for your damages.

Unfortunately, dealing with insurance companies can be very stressful and challenging. Insurance company representatives are trained to look for justification to devalue or deny claims whenever possible. It is vital that you consult an experienced Hartford rear impact accident lawyer as soon as possible after your accident so they can guide you through the insurance claim filing process and resolve any disputes you encounter with the defendant’s insurance carrier.

Building Your Personal Injury Case After a Rear Impact Accident in Hartford

When insurance cannot fully compensate your damages, or if an at-fault driver does not have insurance, you can file a personal injury suit against the at-fault driver in an attempt to recover compensation for the damages you suffered. Success with a personal injury case in Connecticut will require firmly establishing liability for your damages and proving the full extent of those damages. You must also show the defendant is directly responsible for causing them.

A plaintiff in a personal injury case has the right to seek compensation for the economic and noneconomic losses they suffered because of the defendant’s actions. These may include compensation for vehicle repair costs, medical bills, lost income, and for pain and suffering. While economic damages are typically proven with documentation, noneconomic damages can be more difficult to assess. The amount the plaintiff obtains will reflect the severity of their injuries.

How to File a Wrongful Death Suit in Hartford

In the event your family member has died in a fatal rear impact accident, you likely have grounds to file a wrongful death suit against the driver responsible for causing the crash. While a wrongful death suit is a type of personal injury case, there are special rules for filing this type of claim in Connecticut. The state limits who is eligible to file such a claim as well as the damages available if they are successful in proving fault for the death in question.

This case will effectively replace the personal injury suit the victim could have filed if they had survived and aims to compensate the surviving family. They may be able to recover compensation for their pain and suffering, funeral and burial expenses, and the financial support the victim can no longer provide. Bartlett & Grippe can provide compassionate and responsive legal counsel for this difficult case and will do everything we can to maximize your case award.

What to Expect From Your Hartford Rear Impact Accident Lawyer

The right attorney on your side can make a tremendous difference in the outcome of your case. Whether you are seeking compensation for your own damages or on behalf of an injured loved one, the team at Bartlett & Grippe can help you build a comprehensive case that addresses all of the damages you suffered. We are confident in our ability to represent you before insurance carriers and build a strong civil suit if necessary to ensure the fullest possible recovery.

It is important to connect with your legal team as soon as possible after your accident. The more time and flexibility your attorney has to build your case, the more likely you will be to maximize your total compensation. Contact the team at Bartlett & Grippe today to schedule a free consultation with an experienced Hartford rear impact accident lawyer to learn how we can help you recover.

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