
New Haven Commercial Truck Accident Lawyer

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New Haven Commercial Truck Accident Attorney

It’s common to see large commercial trucks on the roads in the New Haven area. While commercial truck accidents may not be as common as passenger vehicle accidents, tremendous damage is often caused to everyone involved. If you or a family member are struggling in the aftermath of a truck accident another party caused, you need to speak with an experienced New Haven commercial truck accident lawyer to discuss your legal options.

The attorneys at Bartlett & Grippe, LLC have extensive professional experience representing victims of all types of vehicle accidents in their recovery efforts. We know the unique legal challenges that commercial truck accidents can present and the difficulties you are likely to face in your efforts to recover.

Building a Commercial Truck Accident Case in New Haven

Connecticut uses a fault-based system to resolve all motor vehicle accident cases throughout the state, including commercial truck accidents. This means that you have to prove that another driver was at fault before you are able to collect any financial compensation. However, fault can be a complex subject in a commercial truck accident case.

It is possible for the truck driver to bear responsibility for your recent accident, but fault could also fall to their employer. For example, the employer may have failed to conduct an appropriate background check on the driver, failed to ensure proper training, or failed to ensure compliance with applicable industry safety regulations. If a trucking company or other employer is vicariously liable for your accident, you need an attorney to help prove this is the case.

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Causes of Truck Accidents

Truck accidents can happen due to the same types of driver negligence that cause most other vehicle accidents in Connecticut, such as speeding, distracted driving, or moving violations. However, these accidents can also occur due to regulatory noncompliance, illegal misconduct, improperly loaded cargo, and a host of other possible causes. It is also possible for multiple parties to share fault for a truck accident, further complicating the case.

Once fault is established, you can proceed with claiming compensation for the damage you suffered. You will need to not only show the full extent of your losses with the appropriate documentation but also prove that these damages were solely the result of the defendant’s actions and they did not occur from any other cause. You need an attorney’s help to start gathering evidence and witness testimony to support your case right away.

Filing an Auto Insurance Claim for a Commercial Truck Crash in New Haven

All drivers in Connecticut are required to have auto insurance that includes coverage for any bodily injuries and property damage they cause in an accident. Commercial truck drivers are subject to this requirement, and most trucking companies have expansive insurance coverage. However, this does not mean that insurance will completely compensate you for damages or that the claim filing process will be easy.

Insurance company representatives are trained to look for any and all reasons they can find to deny a claim or offer a lowball settlement. Having an attorney’s help will make the claim filing process easier, and you will be prepared to resolve any unexpected disputes that arise with the insurance companies. If you must file a personal injury claim, you can depend on your attorney for help with this as well.

Filing a Personal Injury Claim for a Commercial Truck Accident

The main objective of any personal injury case in Connecticut is to prove fault for the damages the plaintiff suffered and to recover financial compensation for these losses. The plaintiff must identify the party responsible for harming them, prove the full scope of their damages, and show clear proof that the defendant is solely responsible for inflicting these damages for a successful personal injury case.

A skilled personal injury lawyer can help you accurately calculate economic damages such as vehicle repair costs, medical expenses, and lost wages if you cannot return to work after your accident. It is also possible to claim compensation for the pain and suffering you experienced. Bartlett & Grippe, LLC approaches every vehicle accident case we accept with the goal of helping our client recover as fully as possible.

Wrongful Death Cases for Fatal Truck Accidents in New Haven

Some truck accidents cause fatal injuries. If you have lost a family member in a commercial truck accident, you may have grounds to file a wrongful death claim against whoever is responsible for causing the accident. The legal team at Bartlett & Grippe, LLC has years of experience helping clients build cohesive wrongful death cases, and we can apply this experience to your situation.

The aftermath of a fatal accident can be very difficult for the surviving family of the victim to manage. They not only face expensive financial losses but also the pain of losing a loved one unexpectedly. Our team has successfully resolved many wrongful death cases for clients in New Haven and surrounding areas of Connecticut, and we are ready to put this experience to work in your case.

Find Legal Counsel You Can Trust in New Haven

Bartlett & Grippe, LLC can represent you in a commercial truck accident case, and there is no cause for concern when it comes to the cost of our representation. We do not charge our client a fee unless and until we recover compensation on their behalf, and our fee is a percentage of the total settlement. The legal counsel you need is accessible when you need it most, with no risk of paying more for legal counsel than you win in compensation for your damages.

The attorneys at Bartlett & Grippe, LLC are ready to provide the legal counsel you need after a commercial truck crash in New Haven. Whether you need to file a personal injury claim or a wrongful death claim, we can promise compassionate and results-driven legal counsel through every stage of your proceedings. We have the acumen necessary to help. Contact us today and schedule a consultation with a New Haven commercial truck accident lawyer.

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