
New Haven Rear Impact Accident Lawyer

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New Haven Rear Impact Accident Attorney

Motor vehicle crashes happen in many ways, and rear-end collisions are one of the most common types of accident seen in New Haven and surrounding areas of Connecticut. While fault for such an accident may seem perfectly clear, the reality is that resolving these cases can be challenging in many ways. A skilled New Haven rear impact accident lawyer will be an essential asset if you or a loved one have been harmed in a rear-end collision.

Representing Victims of Rear Impact Accidents in New Haven, CT

The attorneys at Bartlett & Grippe, LLC have extensive professional experience helping injured clients recover from all types of motor vehicle accident cases in New Haven. Rear impact accidents, or rear-end collisions, are some of the most common accidents we see, and we know how to help our client prove fault and recover compensation for the damages they suffered from this type of accident.

When you choose our firm to represent you, you can trust us to handle the legal proceedings ahead of you and do everything we can to maximize your recovery. We can gather evidence to prove fault and resolve any disputes regarding liability that might arise, help you file your auto insurance claim, and build a compelling personal injury suit if necessary to ensure the fullest possible recovery.

Proving Liability for a Rear Impact Accident in New Haven

Connecticut law uses a fault-based system to resolve all vehicle accident cases. This means that proving fault will be necessary after your accident before you will be able to recover any compensation for your losses. In a rear-end collision case, it’s commonly assumed the rear driver is always at fault. While this is generally true, there are some situations in which the leading driver could bear partial responsibility for their rear impact accident.

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For example, if the leading driver had broken brake lights they neglected to fix, stopped very suddenly without a good reason, or if they were otherwise negligent in a manner that contributed to the accident happening, they may be found partially liable. Under Connecticut’s modified comparative fault rule, this could result in them losing a percentage of their total compensation to reflect this shared liability.

Your New Haven rear impact accident lawyer can help you gather the evidence you will need to firmly establish fault for your accident and prove that the defendant is entirely responsible for the damages you suffered. Once you have established fault you can proceed with claiming compensation for the damages the defendant caused, and you are more likely to maximize your recovery with an attorney’s help.

Filing an Auto Insurance Claim After a Rear Impact Accident

Every Connecticut driver is required to have auto insurance that meets the state’s minimum coverage requirements. When a driver causes an accident that harms another motorist, their insurance can pay for the victim’s damages. Filing an auto insurance claim is likely to be your first avenue of recovery available after your accident, but you will need an attorney’s help to maximize your settlement amount.

Insurance companies almost always push back against claims for coverage however they can. They will look for any way they can to justify a lowball settlement offer or claim denial. Your New Haven rear impact accident lawyer can ensure you are treated fairly and that you receive an acceptable settlement offer from the insurer. If you cannot fully recover your damages through an auto insurance claim, your attorney can help you build a personal injury suit.

Claiming Compensation for Your Damages With Your Personal Injury Case

The goal of your personal injury case is to obtain compensation so you can recover from the injury. Under Connecticut’s personal injury statutes, it is possible for an injured plaintiff to claim repayment for any economic and noneconomic losses they suffered because of the defendant’s actions. The overall value of your case will largely depend on the severity of your injuries and whether you suffered any permanent harm.

Economic damages in a personal injury case typically include property damage, medical expenses, lost income, and lost future earning capacity if the victim is unable to work due to the severity of the damages they suffered. Your New Haven rear impact accident lawyer can help you accurately calculate the full scope of the economic damages the defendant caused, proving they are the direct results of their negligence or misconduct.

Noneconomic damages include intangible losses like physical pain, mental distress, and psychological trauma. Your attorney can help you determine a suitable amount that reflects the severity of your experience. Generally, the more serious the victim’s injuries, the greater the amount of pain and suffering compensation they can obtain. An experienced attorney can help you maximize this aspect of your recovery.

Filing a Wrongful Death Claim

If you lost a family member in a fatal rear impact accident, you likely have grounds to file a wrongful death suit against the at-fault driver. A wrongful death suit is a specific type of personal injury case that allows the family of the victim to pursue accountability for the victim’s death, such as funeral and burial expenses, lost income, and the family’s emotional suffering. Bartlett & Grippe can provide compassionate legal counsel if you must file a wrongful death suit in New Haven, Connecticut.

Resolving Your Rear Impact Accident Case in New Haven

Experienced legal counsel will be an invaluable asset for your rear impact accident in New Haven. You can trust the team at Bartlett & Grippe to gather the evidence you will need to firmly establish fault for the accident and show the full extent of your claimable damages. We can file your auto insurance claim on your behalf, resolve any disputes raised against your claim, and build a cohesive personal injury suit aimed at securing maximum compensation for your losses.

Bartlett & Grippe offer contingency fee billing for personal injury cases in New Haven, so you only pay a fee after we have won your case. We are confident we can help you maximize your recovery efficiently and we are ready to guide you through every step of the difficult proceedings ahead of you. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with a New Haven rear impact accident lawyer to start working toward your recovery with confidence.

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