
New Haven Rideshare Accident Lawyer

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New Haven Rideshare Accident Attorney

Rideshare companies like Uber and Lyft have become staples of the transportation system in the United States, and thousands of people in the New Haven area use these services regularly. However, it is vital for every rideshare passenger to understand they face the same risk of an accident in a rideshare driver’s vehicle as they would in any other vehicle. A experienced New Haven rideshare accident lawyer can help if you have experienced such an accident.

Representing Rideshare Accident Victims in New Haven, CT

The attorneys at Bartlett & Grippe, LLC have years of professional experience providing compassionate and responsive legal counsel for all types of motor vehicle accident cases in New Haven and surrounding areas of Connecticut. A New Haven rideshare accident lawyer will be an invaluable asset for confronting the complex legal challenges you are likely to face in the aftermath of an Uber or Lyft accident.

While these accidents tend to occur for the same reasons as all other motor vehicle accidents, they often raise more complex insurance disputes, and injured victims are likely to have many difficult questions they will be unable to answer for themselves. We can help you make sense of your situation, accurately calculate your losses, and guide you through the process of recovering compensation for the damages you suffered.

Understanding Rideshare Company Auto Insurance

Rideshare companies require their drivers to have personal auto insurance, but these companies are also required to carry additional commercial auto insurance coverage that will apply to accidents involving their drivers under certain conditions. If a rideshare driver hit you while they were off the clock, their own personal auto insurance would apply if they caused the accident. Once they are marked as available for a ride request, the rideshare company’s policy comes into play.

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When a rideshare driver is marked as available for a passenger’s ride request, the first level of the rideshare company’s commercial auto insurance policy applies if they cause an accident. Once the driver has picked up a passenger, the second level of the rideshare company’s commercial policy applies until they are delivered to their destination. This level of coverage is much higher than the first tier and will apply if you were injured as a rideshare passenger.

Your New Haven rideshare accident lawyer will be crucial for helping you resolve the insurance-related issues you are likely to encounter in the aftermath of your rideshare accident. They can help you prove liability for the accident, gather the evidence you will need to file your insurance claim, and they will be prepared to address any unexpected challenges you encounter in your dealings with the insurance carrier.

Building a Personal Injury Case for a Rideshare Accident

Auto insurance may be a valuable initial avenue of recovery following a rideshare accident, but you may need to build a personal injury case to ensure the fullest possible recovery. In Connecticut, success with any personal injury case will require clear proof of liability for the accident as well as proof of the full extent of the resulting damages. The plaintiff must also prove the defendant is directly responsible for causing their claimed damages.

Damages in a personal injury case can include property losses, medical expenses, and lost income. Additionally, if the victim suffered a serious injury, they may require ongoing medical care and be unable to work in the future. They would have the right to also claim compensation for future medical treatment costs and lost earning power. In addition to these economic damages, they can also claim pain and suffering compensation.

The average plaintiff is likely to struggle when it comes to determining suitable pain and suffering compensation to include in their personal injury case. A personal injury lawyer can assist in accurately evaluating this aspect of your claim. Generally, the more serious the victim’s injuries, the more they are likely to receive in pain and suffering compensation, especially if their injuries caused any type of long-term or permanent harm.

Filing a Wrongful Death Suit for a Fatal Rideshare Accident

Unfortunately, vehicle accidents are a leading cause of accidental deaths in New Haven each year. If you lost a family member in a fatal rideshare accident, you likely have grounds to pursue compensation with a wrongful death case. While it may be possible for your family to recover some compensation through auto insurance, you will need an experienced attorney’s help to maximize the results of a wrongful death case.

Success with a wrongful death case in New Haven may yield compensation for funeral and burial expenses, damages incurred by the deceased’s estate, and for the surviving family’s pain and mental anguish. While a wrongful death case is a type of personal injury case, there are special rules that apply to the damages available and who is allowed to file this type of claim in Connecticut.

What to Expect From Your New Haven Rideshare Accident Lawyer

The team at Bartlett & Grippe has years of professional experience handling a wide range of complex accident cases for rideshare accident cases in New Haven and surrounding areas of Connecticut. As soon as you secure our firm’s representation, we will immediately begin researching the exact cause of your accident to determine liability and assess your most viable recovery options.

You can trust our firm to resolve any issues you encounter with the insurance claim filing process. Rideshare company commercial auto insurance provides expansive coverage for covered accidents, but it is wise to expect any insurer to fight your claim as much as possible and to attempt to settle the claim for as little as possible Your attorney will be ready to ensure you are treated fairly and receive an acceptable settlement offer.

Whether you are seeking compensation for your own damages or filing a wrongful death suit on behalf of a lost loved one, Bartlett & Grippe is ready to provide the legal counsel you need for this difficult case. We accept personal injury cases on a contingency fee basis, so there is no fee unless we win compensation for you. Contact us today and schedule your free consultation with a New Haven rideshare accident lawyer to learn how we can help you recover.

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