
Waterbury Dog Bite Lawyer

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Dogs are popular pets in Waterbury and surrounding communities of Connecticut, but when a dog bites someone unexpectedly, the victim is likely to have many difficult legal questions about how they can recover. If you or a family member recently suffered harm from another party’s dog, a Waterbury dog bite lawyer can review the details of the incident, explain the state laws that apply to your case, and help you develop a strategy for recovering from the incident.

Representing Dog Bite Victims in Waterbury, CT

The attorneys at Bartlett & Grippe excel at resolving complex personal injury cases and have more than 100 years of combined professional experience representing clients in the Waterbury area. If you were harmed by another person’s dog, the dog owner is likely responsible for your resulting damages. Our team will work closely with you to establish liability for the attack and help you maximize your recovery as efficiently as possible.

When you choose Bartlett & Grippe to represent you in a dog bite case, you will have a responsive legal advocate ready to answer your questions and provide helpful guidance for each new stage of your case. We will work diligently to uncover the full extent of the damages you can claim from the dog owner and create a streamlined legal strategy aimed at maximizing the value of your case. The sooner you contact us, the sooner we can start building your case.

Proving Liability for a Dog Bite in Waterbury

The first challenge you face in any type of personal injury case is establishing liability for your damages. The goal of a personal injury case is for the injured plaintiff to identify the party responsible for harming them and to recover compensation for their losses. In Connecticut, there are special statutes that apply specifically to dog bite cases, and it is important to understand these at the outset of your proceedings.

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In most dog bite cases in Connecticut, the dog owner is held strictly liable for any and all damages their pet causes, regardless of whether the dog owner was negligent in their handling of the dog. If negligence was a factor in the incident the dog owner could potentially face penalties in addition to their civil liability for the victim’s damages. As long as the victim did not provoke the attack and was lawfully present wherever the attack occurred, strict liability will apply.

Once a dog has bitten someone, Connecticut law requires it to be surrendered for a medical quarantine. The dog will be examined to determine whether it carries any diseases and whether it poses a significant threat to public safety. In most cases, the dog is then returned to the owner, and the owner will need to follow specific rules for handling their dog in the future. However, it is possible for the court to order the dog to be euthanized if it is deemed unreasonably dangerous.

Claiming Compensation for a Dog Bite in Waterbury

Once your Waterbury dog bite lawyer has assisted you with establishing liability for your injury, they can help you claim compensation for the damages you suffered. The goal of any personal injury case is for the injured plaintiff to secure compensation they need to recover as fully as possible from the harm they suffered. It’s possible for your case to yield compensation for economic and noneconomic damages.

Economic damages are typically straightforward. These are the direct financial losses a plaintiff suffered because of a defendant’s actions. In a dog bite case, the plaintiff’s economic damages are likely to include property losses, medical expenses, and lost income. It’s important for the plaintiff to remember they can also claim compensation for projected future economic losses, such as the cost of necessary ongoing medical care and lost future earning potential.

Noneconomic damages are a bit harder to assign value. The plaintiff has the right to seek monetary compensation for the physical pain and emotional distress they suffered because of the defendant’s actions. Generally, the more serious the injury, the more the plaintiff can potentially secure in pain and suffering compensation. Your Waterbury dog bite lawyer will be an essential asset for maximizing this aspect of your recovery.

Filing a Wrongful Death Case After a Fatal Dog Attack in Waterbury

In the event a dog attack proves fatal, the family of the victim will have grounds to file a wrongful death suit against the dog owner. This type of personal injury case aims to secure compensation for the family’s losses, such as their funeral and burial expenses, lost financial support, and for the pain and suffering they have experienced from their family member’s death. Bartlett & Grippe can provide compassionate legal counsel for this type of case.

How Your Waterbury Dog Bite Lawyer Can Help

The right legal representative will be an invaluable asset for your dog bite case in Waterbury. The team at Bartlett & Grippe has decades of experience handling all types of difficult cases and we know the many unique challenges you might encounter in the aftermath of an unexpected dog attack. We will explain which state laws apply to your case, what damages you can potentially recover, and will prepare you for each stage of your proceedings.

If you have any concerns about the cost of hiring a Waterbury dog bite lawyer to represent you, the team at Bartlett & Grippe do not charge any upfront legal fees for our representation. We only charge our client a fee after we have won compensation on their behalf, and there is no risk of your legal fees overtaking your recovery. This billing policy offers peace of mind and ensures the legal counsel you need is accessible when you need it most.

You have a relatively limited time in which to build and file your dog bite case in Waterbury. The team at Bartlett & Grippe is ready to help you navigate your legal proceedings and will do everything we can to maximize your total compensation. Contact us today and schedule a free consultation with a Waterbury dog bite lawyer to learn how we can help.

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