
Waterbury Rear Impact Accident Lawyer

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Rear impact accidents are some of the most common accidents reported in Waterbury. It is possible for this type of accident to cause severe injuries and expensive economic losses. If you or a family member have been injured in this type of crash, it is important to speak with a Waterbury rear impact accident lawyer at Bartlett & Grippe as soon as possible. We can help you prove fault and pursue compensation for your damages.

Helping Rear Impact Accident Victims Recover in Waterbury, CT

Bartlett & Grippe have the skills, resources and experience to help injured motor vehicle accident victims recover in Waterbury. We are confident we can provide the compassionate and results-driven legal representation you want on your side in the aftermath of a rear impact accident, and we will do everything we can to maximize your recovery in an efficient timeframe.

Your case may appear straightforward at first, but it is possible for many unpredictable challenges to arise that you will not know how to resolve on your own. Our team will carefully review the details of your accident, determine the full scope of your claimable damages, and help you assess your most viable options for obtaining the compensation you need to recover as fully as possible from the harm you suffered.

Proving Liability for a Rear Impact Accident

Most drivers assume that in any rear impact accident, the rear driver is automatically at fault. While it is true that the rear driver is usually to blame for this type of accident, it is possible for a leading driver to be responsible or share liability in certain situations. If you were hit from behind because the driver behind you was speeding, distracted, or otherwise negligent, you need an experienced attorney to help you firmly prove liability for the crash.

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Your Waterbury rear impact accident lawyer at Bartlett & Grippe can gather evidence you will need in order to prove that the driver who hit you is entirely responsible for causing thee accident. We will look for cell phone records, vehicle computer data, and witness statements that support your side of the case. Once fault is established, we will proceed with claiming compensation for your damages.

Filing an Auto Insurance Claim for Your Rear Impact Accident in Waterbury

Connecticut law requires every driver to have auto insurance that meets the state’s minimum coverage requirements. When an accident happens, the at-fault driver’s insurance pays for the resulting damages. This may sound simple, but the reality is that many injured drivers encounter all types of unexpected challenges from insurance company representatives. Insurance companies will almost always fight back against claims however they can.

Your Waterbury rear impact accident lawyer can help you file your claim, and they will be ready to address any issues you encounter with the insurance carrier. You should expect the insurance company representative to attempt to use your own words against you and look for justifications to deny or devalue your claim. This is why it is so important to consult an experienced Waterbury rear impact accident lawyer before discussing a settlement with an insurance carrier.

Building a Personal Injury Case for Your Rear Impact Accident

A personal injury case is a civil suit in which an injured plaintiff seeks compensation for the damages a defendant caused. Success with any kind of personal injury case in Waterbury will require clear proof of fault for the damages in question, and the plaintiff must also show that the defendant is entirely responsible for causing those damages. A successful personal injury case may yield compensation for economic and noneconomic losses.

Economic damages can include any direct financial losses you suffered because of the defendant’s actions. In most personal injury cases arising from vehicle accidents, economic damages usually include vehicle repair costs, medical expenses, and lost wages if they cannot work due to their injuries. Your attorney can help you prove these losses directly resulted from your accident.

Additionally, if the victim suffered any kind of permanently damaging catastrophic injury, they may be eligible to claim compensation for lost future earning capacity and required ongoing medical care. You will need an experienced attorney’s help to accurately calculate any projected future damages you intend to claim from the defendant.

Noneconomic damages in a personal injury claim can include physical pain, emotional suffering, and psychological trauma. Bartlett & Grippe can help you determine an appropriate amount that reflects the severity of your injuries. As a general rule, the more serious the plaintiff’s injuries and the greater the scope of the long-term harm they suffered, the more pain and suffering compensation they are likely to obtain.

Filing a Wrongful Death Suit After a Fatal Rear Impact Accident

When a rear impact accident causes fatal injuries, the family of the victim will need help pursuing accountability. If this has happened to your family, you can file a wrongful death suit against the defendant responsible for causing the accident. This type of personal injury case seeks compensation for the family’s losses, such as income the victim can no longer provide for their family, funeral and burial expenses, and compensation for their pain and suffering.

How Your Waterbury Rear Impact Accident Lawyer Can Help

Bartlett & Grippe can help you resolve the most challenging personal injury cases in Waterbury, including those arising from rear impact accidents. When you hire our firm to represent you, you have a dedicated team ready to help you with every phase of your case. Additionally, there are no upfront legal fees. Our firm will only charge our client a fee if and when we win their case.

You have a limited time in which to build and file your rear impact accident case in Waterbury. The evidence you may need to establish liability may not be available for long, and there is a time limit for filing an auto insurance claim and/or personal injury case. The sooner you connect with an experienced Waterbury rear impact accident lawyer, the more likely you are to succeed with your case.

Contact Bartlett & Grippe today to schedule your free case review with an experienced team of attorneys. We will listen to the details of your accident and explain the legal services we can provide that can assist with your recovery.

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